
Time Series-What is Time?

What is time and why don’t I have enough of it to accomplish all I want?  Why can’t there be 5 of me?

Do you feel time flies or time sometimes feels like an eternity? It all depends on how you view time.

Looking at time as an emotion or a feeling elicits an emotional state. If you are feeling stressed it is probably because of the time constraints you have placed upon yourself.

Let’s take a look at some ways that you can move forward confidently knowing that you have this whole “Time” situation under control.

Learn to Focus

Are you focused or are you that butterfly flitting around from one thing to the next? Butterflies are beautiful but if your life is all about flitting you will never accomplish a thing.

There are three things that your life revolves around when you don’t have a plan as to what you are going to do in the next hour, day or week.

Fear. Have you ever heard the saying that we as human believe that we will avoid anything that we think will give us pain? Focusing on that fear will paralyze you. You will never be able to move forward because living in fear causes drama, stress and reactivity-never fulfillment.
Pleasure. Are you so stressed that you no longer know what it means to take part in something pleasurable? You are probably constantly looking for a sense of relief. So what do we do to find immediate pleasure? Eat, drink, smoke, etc. We tend to look for and do anything we can rather than accomplish what really needs to be done (procrastination).
Other People’s Demands. How many of you have so many friends and family and all the activities it takes to support these relationships that you never have time for yourself or your needs? Raise your hand. I know you are out there! Excuse:  we feel we must meet others needs before ours which in turn causes us to procrastinate. We need to feel a drive to get things done and not just a temporary motivation.

Take Control

See the Situation as it is, not worse than it is. Let go of your fear, pessimism and skepticism. Take a risk. Take a chance. You need take all of your focus and emotion and give yourself a direction in life. If you don’t, you are going to miss out on a lot of life.

See the Situation Better than it is. How do you look at tasks that need accomplishing? Are they outcomes? Are they goals? It makes a difference when you look at the situation. You can change anything if you put your mind to it. You may not always achieve your goals but you will always achieve outcomes.

Make it the way you see it. Develop a plan that will give you direction and focus so that you can achieve all you need to in your daily life. If looking 2-4 weeks ahead is too much for you, start out with smaller chunks. When first starting this plan try to look at one week if that makes you comfortable. Slowly build it up adding more weeks, more months. You won’t believe how much you will have accomplished when you look back at your calendar.

What do I need to do today? Question yourself and your plan or to-do list. Every day know what you want to accomplish. These will be your target goals.

Next, why do you need to accomplish this goal? Is it a short-term, one-time goal? Is it part of a bigger goal? Bigger goals are attainable if you break it into smaller chunks. What’s the old saying? “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” (No offense to the elephant).

You get the point. Take that huge task and break it up into bit-sized pieces so you don’t become overwhelmed, procrastinate and never get any of it accomplished.

Devise your action plan and stick to it at all costs. Sure, every now and then you are going to have to readjust your schedule—everybody does. But the goal here is to keep moving forward with each of the tasks and not become stagnant.

You can do it! Print out a weekly and monthly calendar. Order a Daytimer product. Whatever it takes to start setting the goals—just do it!

Need help?  Just let me know!


