
Toy PLR Profits -Three FREE Bonuses

The weirdest thing just happened. I was given access to three bonuses to give my subscribers BEFORE anyone even buys anything. That’s pretty rare.

The only catch is, this sale ends TOMORROW – so it’s pretty urgent that if you want the freebies and the product you apply it on, you need to do it now.

Tiffany Lambert launched one of the best affiliate PLR niche packs for this time of year – a toy content bundle. This is a niche you can set up and rank for quickly, and while the commissions roll in year round, this time of year it soars BIG time.

Her toy bundle is just $7 (it’ll be $36 after tomorrow) and you can find it here:

2015 Toy PLR Profits

It includes 16 specific toy product reviews (for Parenting Magazine’s hot 2015 toy list) and a batch of 20 articles on toy brands and toy character lines.

Now for the free goodies!

First, Tiff told us to give you this report:


That report tells you about the profit potential in this niche and includes some great tips on how to maximize it.

Second, Tiff made an implementation video for you here:

Toy PLR Profits Implementation Video

And if that weren’t enough, she’s also downloaded her September long tail keyword phrases from one of her toy sites and is GIVING them to you. But let me show you something first…

Toy Visits

What you’re seeing there is the unique traffic for her toy site and look at how September spikes! It’s that way all the way through January, but as you can see, traffic still comes in all through the year.

What’s neat about this is that this particular toy site is almost like a test site for Tiff – it’s the one she uses as an example to teach others, so there are only 47 posts total on that site. That’s it. And 2 of those she just now uploaded in that video, so the traffic was brought in on 45 posts, with nothing fresh since February 20th before that!

Here is a list of 181 different longtail search phrases her site brought in last month – this is real consumer gold at your fingertips.

Longtail Search Phrases

And she’s giving all that to you before you even buy the $7 toy bundle. That rarely happens. But you only have 24 hours to grab it, so get going! This is a good, hands off niche you can get into with very minimal work to be done – all she does for that traffic is post the blog post, Tweet it, put it on G+ and sometimes add it to Pinterest. And she doesn’t have a “toy following” for this.

2015 Toy PLR Profits

Last chance – or else you might end up paying more than five times the cost later!

